Baron beach is located approximately 40 km from Yogyakarta is a very beautiful charm. Contours of the valley and river water is offered to be a magnet for tourists who come. This is a hidden paradise on Gunung Kidul.
This article may not be the only paper that tells about the beauty of Baron Beach on Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. This beach charm through the contours of the valley on either side of the beach. At right, visitors can see the river of fresh water that empties directly into the Ocean of Indonesia. Sand beaches extend, make anyone feel at home for a long time here.
Baron beach access road is not difficult to reach. In a way, the infrastructure into this area very well. In fact, a very smooth way to make us difficult to find a hole in the road. So do not be afraid for the access road to the coast region of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.
Not far from the Baron beach, there are also some equally beautiful beaches, the Kukup Coast, Sundak Beach, Krakal Beach, and Along the Coast. Apparently, Gunung Kidul save a lot of beautiful beaches are a paradise hidden in Gunung Kidul.
This article may not be the only paper that tells about the beauty of Baron Beach on Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. This beach charm through the contours of the valley on either side of the beach. At right, visitors can see the river of fresh water that empties directly into the Ocean of Indonesia. Sand beaches extend, make anyone feel at home for a long time here.
Baron beach access road is not difficult to reach. In a way, the infrastructure into this area very well. In fact, a very smooth way to make us difficult to find a hole in the road. So do not be afraid for the access road to the coast region of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.
Not far from the Baron beach, there are also some equally beautiful beaches, the Kukup Coast, Sundak Beach, Krakal Beach, and Along the Coast. Apparently, Gunung Kidul save a lot of beautiful beaches are a paradise hidden in Gunung Kidul.
source and translate from detiktravel
credit to Mas Narto